Collection: Bombers Happy Tongue Mouth Piece

The Happy Tongue is a solid mouthpiece. It is curved and ported to give tongue relief. The Happy Tongue would be a good place to start if your horse is:

  • Shaking its head
  • Sticking its tongue out
  • Sucking its tongue back and as a result, making an intermittent coughing noise
  • Trying to put its tongue over the bit
  • Going behind the bit to avoid the contact
  • Snatching the reins forward and down

The rider will know immediately if this is the correct bit, as a horse with a sensitive tongue will finally begin to work into and accept the contact. Changing the cheekpieces would then allow the rider to adjust the level of control.

If a bit is not in stock, most pre-orders only take about 10 days however,  if the APAC depot is out of stock and it needs to be ordered from the factory it could take 3 to 4 weeks - see exact dates HERE.