What's the difference between Premier Equine Cold Water Boots and Cold Water Compression Boots?

What's the difference between Premier Equine Cold Water Boots and Cold Water Compression Boots?

The difference between Premier Equine Cold Water Boots and Cold Water Compression Boots:

Cold Water Compression Boots

Cold Water Boots

1. Cold Water Boots use micro-crystals within pockets in the fabric that swell up into a gel that cools the legs through conduction. 

Cold Water Compression Boots are made from a medical grade fabric that is super absorbent. 3D ducted mesh allows airflow to the wet fabric and this cools the horses legs through evaporative cooling. The advanced formulation releases energy over time to provide temperatures that are 6-12° cooler than ambient temperature.

2. Cold Water Boots need to be soaked for an hour prior to use.  Cold Water Compression boots only need to be soaked for 5 minutes before use.

3. Cold Water Boots can be used for 20 minutes before resoaking them.  Cold Water Compression Boots can be kept on for up to 4 hours and can reactivated by hosing the boots whilst still on the horses legs.

4. Cold Water Boots can be kept in a bucket of water if they are being used continually for injury or competition over a couple of days.  Cold Water Compression boots should never be soaked in bucket for longer than 30 minutes.

 View full details on the PE Cold Water Compression Boots here

  View full details on the PE Cold Water Boots here

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